Nurture Yourself By Exercising
Exercise when done consistently helps you to develop the strength, endurance and focus to handle the challenges that bring stress to our lives. It’s a great habit to have in your life.
Exercise strengthens your mind so you can achieve success. When I say SUCCESS, I mean success in ALL areas of your life!
Think about it this way… when you begin to workout you develop strength and endurance for whatever type of exercise you are participating in. When this happens, you will begin to be more confident in your own body because you will be moving and functioning better. You may not be conscious of it but it will be happening.
This confidence will show up in your relationships with your family, your career and most importantly the connection with yourself.
The awesome part is that it will continue to build and build as long as you stay consistent with exercising.
The confidence and self-esteem build in every single person who is consistent at Custom Body Bootcamp. I have seen how people change when they walk into bootcamp, they walk taller, are happier and their smile is from head to toe. I actually seen this happen to everyone who’s been consistent in exercising in the last 15 years of training. To be honest with you, this is why I love what I do.
This happens because exercise is a way of nurturing yourself. I know it may not feel like it especially when you start but it is! It’s self-love and this is how you should look at it!
Learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. When exercising just know it’s OK to be uncomfortable and it will pass. You do intentionally because it will make your life better! You will actually begin to enjoy it after you stay consistent long enough.
It’s not just for losing weight and looking good… It’s a tool for having a great life!
I have a little brag… The pic below is the most I’ve ever deadlifted J. I love accomplishing things I’ve never done before J
Have an awesome day!