
How To Be Disciplined To Get Results

How To Be Disciplined To Get Results

Hey there,

My reason for writing this email is to give you a key ingredient to be successful and create healthy long lasting results in your life.

This key ingredient is DISCIPLINE!

Whether you are looking to lose weight, get healthy and/or tone-up you must be disciplined. Let’s be honest, if you want to create any changes in your life you must  have self-control, willpower and take unfamiliar actions that are out of your comfort zone.

So let’s start by defining discipline.

Discipline is action or inaction that is regulated to be in accordance (or to achieve accord) with a system of governance. Discipline is commonly applied to regulating human behavior.

When you are looking to create change in you life, you have to avoid taking actions that are your regular habits and take actions that are unfamiliar to you.   

For example, if you are looking to lose weight and get fit and healthy you will avoid going home and watching TV and instead be disciplined to go to the gym and get a good workout instead.  

The same applies to eating, avoid unhealthy food and eat healthy nutritious food.

Every time you are disciplined and focused you are taking the next steps that will get you the results you are seeking, you are building your discipline muscle!

How do you build your discipline muscle?

Start by writing down the changes you want to achieve, (set your goal). Then list the actions you must take and actions you must avoid.

Become self aware of your habitual patterns so you can have the choice to decide what action you want to take.

Then get to work and start to making discipline choices. When you are making the right choices no matter how big or small you will be develop and strengthen your disciple muscle.

The beauty of being discipline is that it eventually flows in all areas of your life.  Once you start seeing changes in one area, it magical flows to other areas of your life.

So be focused and strict with your goals and build that muscle.

Live Strong, Be Strong- Mind, Body Spirit!


Develop A Growth Mindset

Develop A Growth Mindset

Hey There,

I have a question for you…

Where are you currently compared to where you were in the beginning of  year?

How has your health changed? Your career? Relationships? Spiritual Connection?

Where you are right NOW compared to where you were when you started the year depends on the actions you have taken up until this point.

For example: We have lots of people in our bootcamp who have lost a lot of weight and are feeling healthy and confident because they committed to showing up to our bootcamp classes and making healthy eating changes.  Since starting bootcamp the changed their way of thinking which has morphed into feeling more positive within themselves.

In my own life I am always looking for ways to continue my own growth mindset.  I enjoy growing, learning and becoming a better version of myself. My main area of focus starts with my World Class Health (WCH) which I’ve created my own meaning personal meaning for this. My WCH is Vitality, Energy, Mindset, Spirituality and I get all these things from exercising, eating healthy, meditating, learning, giving gratitude and smiling!

I feel exercising and eating healthy is the best place to start because of the positive benefits that translates to all the other areas of my life.

My next area of focus in my Deep Meaningful Family Connection( DMFC). There was a point earlier this year when I realized I was focusing on work so much that I was not connecting with my family in the way I wanted. This is unfortunate because my family is one of the reasons I work so hard and in my mind I was missing out on one of life most beautiful gifts which is the  Love that comes from Family. I work everyday to connect and make this better for myself and them.

I also work daily on developing my leadership and career. This allows me to not only do what I love but also allows me to inspire others to create health and change their lives.

The reason I bring this up is because I want you to develop a GROWTH MINDSET. What areas do you want to grow in? Where do you want to be tomorrow, next week, next year?

Ask yourself these questions and then create an action plan, then take action!!! Create your life!!!

Always remember… Small steps are still steps!

There is so much richness in life and giving yourself a growth mindset will allow to enjoy and get more out of life
